The 2017 reports of global electricity consumption said that 85% are still dependent on fossil fuels. Despite some powerful environmentalists’ pressures for the nation’s governments to shift to renewable energy, only 0.7% is generated from solar sources. Is the future of solar energy just an empty promise? Is solar energy a growing myth?
Energy experts posed the challenges facing solar energy: the land requirements for harvesting energy from the sun. They say that the watts harnessed per unit of land area are much lower than fossil fuels. Therefore, generating renewable energy takes way much greater land areas.
Moreover, the technological infrastructure needed for the construction of solar panels is still dependent on fossil fuels. Also, there are demands for scientific evidence on whether solar power is really carbon-free. These challenges boil down to the most obvious; money and capitalism. Investors would like their money to grow, and investing in renewable energy seems to be a losing end. Unless our world leaders take radical action for climate change, solar energy will remain a dream.